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Brandlehow Primary School

The Parent Teacher Association

Brandlehow School is proud to support an active PTA (Parent Teacher Association), which plays a vital role in raising additional funds for the school and organising social functions for both parents and children.  We also provide an additional and valuable means of communication between the parents and teaching staff within the school. All pupils, parents and staff are automatically members of the PTA for the duration of their time at Brandlehow. 

Our Social Function

The PTA organise many events for both parents and children during the school year.  Some of these are to raise funds but many are just about having fun and getting to know people. Every year is slightly different but generally we hold events along the following lines:

  • Summer and Christmas Fairs
  • Children’s Discos
  • Christmas Pantomime / Magic Show
  • Quiz Night for parents
  • Christmas Parties for children and parents
  • Film nights for children
  • Return to school socials
  • Individual class socials for parents

Our Fund Raising

Thanks to the work of the teachers and governors, adequate government funding is already secured to provide all the essential facilities that are needed for the school. However, the funds raised by the PTA provide some much appreciated extras for both pupils and staff. Fund raising events are also a great way of bringing people together – raising money is a bonus!

There are a few fund raising events that happen during the year which include a Christmas Fair and the Summer Fair where the majority of funds are raised. We also sell Christmas cards, school calendars & tea towels, etc to help raise funds.

During Covid-19 restrictions we ran a range of events online, including a Virtual Winter Fair.  We will be considering how we can retain some of the virtual fundraising in future alongside our on-site events.

What does the PTA spend the funds raised on?

The PTA buy a whole range of things to benefit all pupils and teachers. We ensure there is a good mixture of both experiences and equipment.  Previous and ongoing purchases include:

  • Financial assistance for school trips for all year groups
  • Ipads for use by all year groups
  • Playground equipment
  • Enhancing the Brandlehow Wildlife Garden
  • In-class resources such as reading books, dictionaries, chick hatching kits
  • Musical instruments and music lessons
  • Financial assistance for theatre productions
  • Venue hire, drinks, snacks etc for the annual Sports day and Fun Run
  • Discos and film nights for all year groups
  • The Christmas pantomime and presents for all children delivered by Father Christmas!
  • Financial assistance for events specifically for parents eg Quiz night.
  • Support for the school and pupils during Covid-19, e.g. exercise books for all pupils to complete at home during lockdown

 Our Values

We have recently updated our Brandlehow PTA Code of Conduct (May 2023) and Inclusivity Mission Statement and you can find these below. These documents set out our collective commitment to respect, inclusivity and working together responsibly for the good of Brandlehow School and pupils.

Code of Conduct

These guidelines describe the basic expectations for behaviour, and the importance of appropriate conduct and communication, in the best interests of the PTA and the school.  All members will be encouraged to make relevant and positive contributions; all members have the right to be heard and must respect each other’s opinions; and all members must communicate together responsibly.

PTA Code of Conduct

Inclusivity Mission Statement

We Believe Collaboration Must Be Inclusive.  We can only achieve our vision in full collaboration and partnership with the broadest possible set of volunteers, staff, educators, schools and communities. We foster an association where everyone feels they belong, are integral to achieving our vision and have the opportunity to flourish and contribute at the highest level. We will be setting priorities for promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities on an annual basis moving forward to support the work of the PTA.

PTA Inclusivity Mission Statement