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Brandlehow Primary School


You can find out more about the taught content of our curriculum and the progression of skills in this document: French Curriculum Content and Progression Overview

From Brandlehow's Languages Policy:

At Brandlehow we believe that learning a language helps children to develop communication skills including key skills of speaking and listening. Learning another language gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others. We celebrate the diverse number of languages and different cultures we have in our school through assemblies, International days and other celebrations. We aim to make all children proud of the languages they speak and aware of those spoken by children around them. 

We teach French to all children in KS2 as part of our school curriculum. Children in KS1 are made aware of other languages, including French. 


Key Stage 1 Languages 


Within EYS/KS1 our intent at Brandlehow is that the children are made aware of different languages and introduced to French specifically through using the language informally and in different contexts, including songs, rhymes, stories and games. 


Teachers have access to the Primary Language Network as a teaching resource for French.  The children will be given opportunities to explore other languages through for example greetings in different languages when answering the register and celebrating International Days and Festivals from across the world.  Teaching of languages is not a formal part of the curriculum until the children transition into KS2. 


Children have a growing knowledge of the sounds of French and simple familiar topic vocabulary which prepares them for a more structured formal learning of French in KS2.  


Key Stage 2 Languages 

We follow the Primary National Curriculum for Languages in KS2 and aim to equip children with appropriate subject knowledge and skills as well as making learning a language enjoyable and exciting with many cross-curricular links and activities. 


Our intent for languages at Brandlehow is to:

  • foster children’s interest in learning other languages;
  • introduce another language in a way that is enjoyable and fun;
  • develop an appreciation of the diversity of languages;
  • add an international dimension to children’s learning;
  • help children develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries;
  • develop children’s listening, speaking, reading and writing skills;
  • understand and communicate in a new language;
  • understand and use different grammatical structures;
  • develop good pronunciation and understand sound-spelling links;
  • make links with other areas of the curriculum;
  • lay the foundations for future study.



All Key Stage 2 children have French lessons with a member of their class team, either the Class Teacher or Support Staff. In addition to this, class teachers top this up with small and frequent use of the language in and outside the classroom.


In Key Stage 2, children have the opportunities to:

  • ask and answer questions;
  • take part in conversations;
  • present information;
  • use correct pronunciation and grammar;
  • memorise words and phrases;
  • work in pairs and groups to communicate;
  • work independently using dictionary skills;
  • develop reading and writing skills;
  • listen to spoken language including songs, rhymes and stories;
  • gain an insight into life in another culture.

We use a scheme of work (Primary Languages Network Scheme) that is designed to support language progression from years 3 to 6 covering a range of age- appropriate contexts, including making links with other areas of the curriculum. 



All children make progress in French and develop language learning skills to equip them for future learning. Children will recognise and use key vocabulary and structures in different contexts appropriate to their interests and maturity. Learning a new language promotes initiative, independence and a range of transferable skills.