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Brandlehow Primary School

Brandlehow  School Governors


Record of attendance - academic year 2023-2024

Full Governing Body (FGB) Meetings (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Bridget Smith 2/3 James Lacey 3/3 Nicola Gilpin 3/3 Melissa Annetts 3/3
Whitni Thomas 3/3 Maris Lea 2/3 Helen Smith 1/3 on leave of absence Jonnie Allen 2/3
Chaya Hanoonmanjee 1/1 (Observer) Kirsty Clafton 3/3 Robbert Van Heel 3/3

 Georgina Wood 2/3

Alex Barbieri 1/3 Sophie Adams 2/3 John Jackson 0/1

Leslie McDonnell 0/3 on leave of absence

Stephen Vaz 3/3 Shannon Jensen 3/3



Committee Governors’ Meetings 

Resources Committee (R) (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Whitni Thomas 3/3 Nicola Gilpin 3/3 James Lacey 3/3

 Georgina Wood 3/3

Jonnie Allen 2/3 Shannon Jensen 2/2 Sophie Adams 1/1

Leslie McDonnell 0/2 on leave of absence


Curriculum and Achievement Committee (C&A) (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Bridget Smith 3/3 James Lacey 3/3 John Jackson 0/1 Helen Smith 1/3 on leave of absence
Chaya Hanoomanjee 1/1 (Observer) Marisa Lee 2/3 Stephen Vaz 1/2


Children, Families and Communities Committee (CFC) (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)


Melissa Annetts 3/3 James Lacey 3/3 Robbert Van Heel 3/3 Kirsty Clafton 2/2
John Jackson 0/1 Sophie Adams 2/2 Alex Barbieri 1/2 Chaya Hanoonmanjee 1/1 (Observer)


Brandlehow  Governors record of attendance - academic year 2022-2023

Full Governing Body (FGB) Meetings (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings) 

Name 16th November 2022 1st March 2023 21st June 2023 Meetings Attended Out of a Possible    
Bridget Smith  3 3
Ellie Loughnan 3 3
Whitni Thomas 3 3
Nicola Gilpin 3 3
Melissa Annetts 3 3
Marisa Lea 3 3
Ele Lewis 2 3
Helen Smith 3 3
Jonnie Allen 3 3
Khounish Dewan Leaver 2 2
John Jackson 2 3
Georgina Wood 2 3
Sophie Adams 3 3
Robbert Van Heel 2 3
Leslie McDonnell (on leave of absence) Leave of absence Leave of absence Leave of absence 0 3

Record of attendance - academic year 2022-2023

Full Governing Body (FGB) Meetings (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Bridget Smith 3/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3 Nicola Gilpin 3/3 Melissa Annetts 3/3
Whitni Thomas 3/3 Maris Lea 3/3 Helen Smith 3/3 Jonnie Allen 3/3
Ele Lewis 3/3 Khounish Dewan 3/3 Robbert Van Heel 2/3

 Georgina Wood 2/3

Annie Ball 1/2 Sophie Adams 3/3 John Jackson 2/3

Leslie McDonnell 0/3 on leave of absence


Committee Governors’ Meetings 

Resources Committee (R) (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Whitni Thomas 3/3 Nicola Gilpin 3/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3


Georgina Wood 3/3
Jonnie Allen 3/3 Helen Smith 3/3 Ele Lewis 2/3

Leslie McDonnell 0/3 on leave of absence


Curriculum and Achievement Committee (C&A) (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Bridget Smith 3/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3 John Jackson 0/3 Helen Smith 1/1
Khounish Dewan 2/2 Marisa Lee 3/3


Children, Families and Communities Committee (CFC) (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Melissa Annetts 3/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3 Robbert Van Heel 1/2 Annie Ball 0/1
John Jackson 0/3 Sophie Adams 2/2

Record of attendance - academic year 2021-2022

Full Governing Body (FGB) Meetings (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Bridget Smith 3/3 Jean Nicholls 2/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3 Annie Ball 3/3
Samantha Tuttell 1/3 Whitni Thomas 3/3 Nicola Gilpin 3/3 Melissa Annetts 3/3
Maris Lea 3/3 Ele Lewis 3/3 Helen Smith 3/3

Leslie McDonnell 0/3

(on leave of absence)

Jonnie Allen 2/3 Khounish Dewan 3/3 John Jackson 2/3
Vanaja Indra 1/2 Jim Warner 1/2 David Jeffery 1/1 Jonathan Howell 1/1


Committee Governors’ Meetings (number of meetings attended out of number of possible meetings)

Resources Committee (R)

Whitni Thomas 3/3 Nicola Gilpin 3/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3

Leslie McDonnell 0/3

(on leave of absence)

Jonathan Howell 1/1 Helen Smith 3/3 Ele Lewis 2/3
Jonnie Allen 3/3 David Jeffery 1/1


Curriculum and Achievement Committee (C&A)

Bridget Smith 3/3 Jean Nicholls 3/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3 Marisa Lea 3/3
John Jackson 1/3 Khounish Dewan 0/3 Jim Warner 2/2 Vanaja Indra 1/1


Children, Families and Communities Committee (CFC)

Melissa Annetts 3/3 Jean Nicholls 1/3 Ellie Loughnan 3/3 Annie Ball 1/3
John Jackson 1/3 Samantha Tuttell 3/3


Meeting dates - academic year 2020-21

Autumn term

Curriculum and Achievement                                  13.10.2021

Children, Families and Community                        13.10.2021

Resources                                                              20.10. 2021

FGB                                                                        17.11.2021


Spring term

Curriculum and Achievement                                  2. 02.2022

Children, Families and Community                        2. 02.2022

Resources                                                             9. 03. 2022

FGB                                                                       23.03. 2022


Summer term

Curriculum and Achievement                                  18.05.2022

Children, Families and Community                        18.05.2022

Resources                                                              25.05. 2022

FGB                                                                       15.06.2022


Reflection meeting                                                       TBC











Meeting dates - academic year 2019-20





Governors’ Committee meetings – CFC and C&A


Governors’ Committee meeting - Resources


Full Governors’ meeting


Governors’ Committee meetings – CFC and C&A


Governors’ Committee meeting - Resources


Full Governors’ meeting (carried out via email due to Covid-19 restrictions)*


Governors’ Committee meetings – CFC and C&A (Virtual meeting)


Governors’ Committee meeting – Resources (Virtual meeting)


Full Governors’ meeting (Virtual meeting)


Full Governors’ meeting (Virtual meeting)


* A decision was taken to hold the 2020 spring term Full Governing Board Meeting by email due to the Covid-19 virus. The decision was taken following the advice of the Public Health England, the Department of Education and the Local Authority. Governors were sent the original agenda and papers prior to the meeting.  This was followed by an annotated agenda from the Chair sent on 18 March 2020, highlighting items for information and action.  Governors were asked to email their responses to the Chair, HT and Clerk.

Governors who responded by email:  Ms. Bridget Smith (BS) (Co-Chair) and Chair of Meeting,  Ms. Ellie Loughnan (Headteacher), Ms. Annie Ball (AB), Mr. David Jeffery (DJ), Ms. Whitni Thomas (WT), Mr. John Jackson (JJ), Ms. Nicola Gilpin (NG), Ms Melissa Annetts (MA), Mr Stephen Vaz (SV), Mr Leslie McDonnell (LM), Mr Jonathan Howell (JH) and Ms Samantha Tuttell (ST). The required number of responses was received to make the meeting quorate.

Governors not able to respond by email: Cllr. Rosemary Torrington Cllr (RT), Ms Lindsay Sabin (LS) and Ms Marisa Lea (ML).