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Brandlehow Primary School

PTA - Fair Sponsors

The PTA, in its efforts to raise money for the school, to support trips and learning resources for the children, have engaged with a number of different companies as sponsors. 

The list below shows the companies that have sponsored our Summer Fair - to be held 16th of July 2023.

  • Savills

    brandlehow rebate 1 .pdf


  • Experience Days - www.ExperienceDays.co.uk
  • Sporting Duet Academy - www.sportingduetacademy.com Sporting Duet is hosting a free open day for girls to come and join them for a trial on Saturday 1st July.
  • Wine Library - https://winelibrary.co.uk The Wine Library is an independent wine shop by Tower Hill where you can enjoy a bottle at shop price + corkage.  They are giving all Brandlehow parents the chance to enjoy any of the Wine Library wines with a 10% mixed case discount (or 5% for 6x) plus a 10% donation to the PTA. Come along to their stall at the Summer Fair to taste a selection of wines for summer.
  • Laser Quest Kingston - https://laserquestkingston.com
  • Please note: The school is in no way affiliated to these companies. It is recommended that parents do their own research before engaging with sponsors shown below.