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Brandlehow Primary School

Cake Sales 2024/25 arrangements - Autumn Rota

 Cake sales take place every Friday during term time after school.  Each class takes their turn to encourage as many parents and carers from their class to bring  along cakes (home-made or bought) to sell.  All the money raised is then used to support the school.   




Friday 13th September

Holly (Year 3)

Friday 20th September

Sycamore (Year 4)

Friday 27th September

Lavender (Year 3) 

Friday 4th October

Willow (Year 6)

Friday 11th October

Maple (Year 4)

Friday 18th October

Cherry (Year 2) 

Half term 

Half term 

Friday 8th November

Blueberry (Year 2)

Friday 15th November

Hazel (Year 5)

Friday 22th November

Mango (Year 1)

Friday 29th November

Strawberry (Year 1)

Friday 6th December

Seedlings (Nursery)

Friday 13th December

Apple/Peach (Reception)

For more information about PTA cake sales or how the money is spent contact brandlehowpta@gmail.com