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Brandlehow Primary School

Pupil Premium 

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is an additional amount of money provided by the Government.



The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is a government initiative designed to narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.  The PPG is calculated on the basis of the number of children who are currently entitled to and are claiming Free School Meals (FSM), or have received FSM within the last 6 years.  The PPG also includes an allocation based on the number of pupils designated as Children Looked After (CLA) and also to pupils from Armed Forces families.

Where the term ‘disadvantaged pupils’ is used, this term refers to the above mentioned categories but excludes the children from Armed Forces Families (SPP - Service Pupil Premium)

How much pupil premium do we receive?   



The Pupil Premium money which Brandlehow School receives in our school budget is used to make a contribution to the cost of a range of intervention and support programmes, as well as some funding for additional staff.   This targeted support ensures that all of our children are supported in their learning so that they can make the best possible progress. We track the children’s progress through discussions with class teachers at termly ‘Pupil Progress meetings’ and this enables us to pin point where additional support may be necessary and measure the impact of any additional funding we receive. Pupil funding is allocated following an analysis which identify priority classes, groups or individuals.  This means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of pupil premium interventions at one time.

The actual costs of delivering high quality learning; providing additional teacher and teaching assistant support led interventions to enable children to reach their potential costs significantly more than this amount.


We continue to strive and to ensure all children at Brandlehow School receive the support they require to help them attain, achieve and make progress in all aspects of learning. Pupil Premium children at Brandlehow make at least good and often outstanding progress by the time they leave the school. By the end of Key Stage 2 Brandlehow Pupil Premium Children perform better than Pupil Premium Children nationally.

Brandlehow School received a Ministerial congratulatory letter, for winning a local award in the Key Stage 2 category of Pupil Premium Awards, as one of the highest achieving schools in the country in terms of attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils (i.e. those eligible for the Pupil Premium).