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Brandlehow Primary School

Safeguarding Link Governor

The governing body as a whole is responsible for the safeguarding of children in our school. At Brandlehow, because we regard safeguarding as the highest of priorities, we have two link governors for safeguarding and a third, linked specifically to e-safety. Primarily their role is to help ensure that safeguarding is effective and not to carry out the work of the Designated Safeguarding Leads. The role is specifically around strategic issues and to make sure there are effective systems to keep vulnerable children safe. It is not about individual cases.

Link Governors:

  • are the lead governors who understand the safeguarding requirements
  • support the work of the designated safeguarding lead
  • meet regularly with the designated safeguarding lead/s and any other relevant staff
  • report back to the governing body about how effective safeguarding is and to facilitate the scrutiny of safeguarding
  • ensure compliance with statutory duties and guidance for safeguarding
  • ensure that safeguarding deficiencies are brought to the governing body
  • ensure that the safeguarding and child protection policy is being followed in practice; and to be involved in any policy review
  • ensure that the training programme for staff reflects the needs of the school and statutory regulations.
  • ensure that the governing body is kept aware of the safeguarding risks to young people in the school
  • ensure that records are kept securely and in one place
  • ensure that there is appropriate monitoring and tracking in place for vulnerable pupils
  • ensure that there is a consistent approach to safeguarding and child protection across the school
  • ensure that the curriculum for safeguarding reflects the risks for young people in the area
  • ensure that safer recruitment processes are in place
  • ensure that the single central record is compliant.

Brandlehow’s current Link Governor for Safeguarding is: Bridget Smith

Please click to read: 'Level of Need Framework' and Brandlehow Safeguarding Policy