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Brandlehow Primary School

Brandlehow's School Council was first set up in 2006. Our School Council represents the voice of the children. Each year, voting takes place in every classroom in Key Stage 2, for the children who have campaigned to be elected to the School Council. The council meet regularly to discuss a wide variety of school issues. They feedback to classes and listen to the views of the children. Ideas are then brought back to the main school council meetings to be discussed. 

What do the School Council do?

The School Council takes part in lots of activities including:

  • Listening to the views, ideas and concerns of other children
  • Bringing these concerns to School Council meetings
  • Coming up with ideas to help improve the school and make decisions
  • Sharing in some of the policy-making such as the Lunchtime Codes, Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy
  • Thinking of ways to contribute locally and globally
  • Supporting fundraising activities for Brandlehow and charities
  • Representing the school at events

Current issues: 

Last year the School Council helped change the food choices available at lunchtime, and through discussions with teachers, pupils, lunchtime supervisors and cooks, were able to help bring about change.

The also helped with the overall atmosphere during lunchtimes, ensuring a more comfortable environment for all (staff included)